Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase | Basteha

Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase

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محسن زینلی
Designed By:

Mohsen Zeinali

work Title: Packaging Of Flavored Juices
Category: Juice,Soft drinks and Distill
date: 1398
professional design
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Packaging Of Flavored Juices

Drinks have been a major part of society for centuries and play an important role in human culture. Some of these drinks have been part of human culture and development for over 8,000 years. Water is the most important and main ingredient in beverages. The process of extracting fruit juice can take many forms. Injection is the process of extracting flavors from plant materials that allow the material to be suspended in water. This process is used in the production of a variety of beverages. Juice is a type of drink made with water stability and a combination of other additives, as well as flavorings make up a diverse range of juices. In the design of this package, an attempt has been made to use the same bottle structure that was made in Egypt about 1500 years ago, in order to instill a sense of security in the customer. In the design of the label, a minimal but attractive and rich content design was given priority to use designs that are related to the content of the package

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