Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase | Basteha

Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase

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work Title: Khalili. Saffron Packaging Design (Envelope Paper Bag)
date: 1398
professional design
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Khalili. Saffron Packaging Design (Envelope Paper Bag)

Khalili Saffron packaging design is a bit different from Khalili's cardboard bag. but was differently the same. the main focus was always the character. In this project, you see the miniature character from distance holding a basket full of saffron flowers. We placed this character out in the open on a windy day. and as she's holding her scarf tightly to prevent the wind from stealing it, The wind gets to the beautiful flowers she was carrying in her basket. and before she could realize it, the air was filled with her small handpicked, and purple flowers. but she didn't feel sad about that. in fact, after a short pause, she started smiling while smelling the cool, fresh, and saffron fragranced air. her eyes were wide open as she was watching her surroundings and enjoying her presence. With localized UV in the print, we increased the character's appeal. Outside of the character, we used something rarely seen in the saffron packaging design at the bottom of the packaging: purple foil. Unlike gold foil, which is almost saturated in the saffron packaging industry these days, purple foil attracts a lot of attention and shows its special prominence to the audience. We also used this in the product name and brand logo to emphasize their prominence in design as well

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