Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase | Basteha

Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase

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محسن زینلی
Designed By:

Mohsen Zeinali

work Title: Organic Mediterranean Olive Oil
Category: Food
date: 1398
Unpublished effect
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امتیاز دادن به این اثر:

Organic Mediterranean Olive Oil

Olive is a native product of the Mediterranean basin and this tree was first grown on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. This has made Greece one of the world's leading suppliers of olives and olive products. Olive oil is obtained by squeezing olive fruit, which is high in unsaturated fat. The process of oil extraction from olives can be mechanical and chemical methods. Olive oil has various uses in cooking, cosmetics, medicine. In the design of this package, the design of a pattern and a pattern was prioritized, using NASA images taken by satellite from the top of the Mediterranean region, to have a space closer to the sales area of this product. The design decision was also based on using and integrating some form of the lubrication process. In order for customers to be able to communicate more with the product at first glance and to absorb the feeling of naturalness and organicity from the packaging, natural colors of olive growth and development have been used, which are from yellow to green, respectively.

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