Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase | Basteha

Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase

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work Title: Design, implementation and photography of saffron Pakti Zamanian
Partners: erfangroup
Category: Food
date: 1402
professional design
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Design, implementation and photography of saffron Pakti Zamanian

The design of saffron envelope packaging should preserve the characteristics of saffron. aroma, taste, and taste for a long time, and at the same time, it should have a reasonable price, attractiveness, and the possibility of printing on it. We paid attention to this point in the design of Zamanian brand saffron envelope. In the packaging design of Saffron Zamanian, we put this window behind the product so that both the beauty of the packaging is preserved and a part of the product is visible to the buyer. Saffron strings are placed inside a plastic package inside these envelopes. In the design philosophy of this product, the presentation of the quality and quality of the saffron product was a priority, and we used symbols and patterns in the corners of this packaging that narrate the planting, growing and harvesting of this product.

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