Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase | Basteha

Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase

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محسن زینلی
Designed By:

Mohsen Zeinali

work Title: Sanjab honey and nut packaging design
Category: Food
date: 1398
professional design
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امتیاز دادن به این اثر:

Sanjab honey and nut packaging design

Iranian brand of squirrel _ squirrel dried fruit brand is a private limited liability company in the field of nuts, honey and other related products, especially with the aim of filling the vacuum of supply of Iranian quality walnuts and almonds and creating knowledge and power to distinguish the original Iranian product from the product. Foreign began its activities. With the support of several years of activity of its founders in the form of wholesale and traditional supply in the origin of walnuts and almonds in Iran, and also recently with culture and education with the help of expert force, technology and knowledge in the world of e-commerce, this group achieves its goal. Supply and production of quality product according to international standards in Tuyserkan city. In designing honey packaging, an attempt has been made to use a different structure than the existing products. Also, in the design of the label, a combination of different forms and traditional flowers and Iranian logos and the predominant color blue was used to approach the goal of being Iranianized.

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