Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase | Basteha

Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase

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نسیم ظفر
Designed By:

Nasim Zafar

work Title: Packaging design of kids plain and flavored milks of Domino Dairy
Partners: Domino's marketing team & design studio
Category: DAIRY,OILS
date: 1402
professional design
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امتیاز دادن به این اثر:

Packaging design of kids plain and flavored milks of Domino Dairy

A playful and adventurous baby cow character was designed for the packaging design of Domino's kids milk. The goal was to show the character doing activities that children between 6-12 years of age like and to be far away from just stereotypical sports activities. 8 different activities were required for 8 products. It was decided to design 16 different activities and finally 8 designs were selected among them. To be sure that children like the packages and communicate with them; In several boys' and girls' schools, children were surveyed about which activities they would like the Domino cow to do. Finally, the children chose 8 out of 16 designs. Each of the playful cows was placed on a package. To display the flavors, the consumer's mental history of the color and image of each flavor was referred to, and a dedicated English typeface was designed to match the Persian typeface of the product flavor name.

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